I Feel Ill

Photo by Easter Ellen
Photo by Easter Ellen


Lord, I feel sick..

Today I’m going to….

Take a healing breath, inhaling God’s wonderful Grace

And know that He has promised healing, whatever is our case

So many times, at my very worst, I have just felt sick. In the midst of so many difficult life struggles, my body started to react with depression, then, a feeling of constant illness. Eventually, the illness got named, but it still was depressing to feel sick day after day.


God promises us two things that get me through how I feel when I feel ill. That He will never give us more than we can bare, and that when Jesus died for us, our illnesses were healed.


What has always stood out to me in this scripture about healing is that it is written in the present, not the past. Not “you were healed”, but rather “by his wounds, you are healed”. This is powerful. If you think about it, it makes this sentence eternally present, eternally effective for every moment that you are in, today and forever.


Grab on to this verse and believe that it is meant for you at this very moment. Know that God is longing to shower His love on you and heal your broken spirit, your hurting heart, your body, your mind.


Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

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