

Lord, I feel so incapable, I wish that I had more confidence in myself.

Today I’m going to…

Look to the Lord to find my confidence in Him

All I do is blessed by Him and not only from within


Photo by Easter Elen



Often in life, we wish that we had the confidence to follow our dreams, to follow our passions, to chase after the blessings that God gives us. Yet, we sit stagnant. Wishing.. dreaming, but never acting out to follow that which is in our heart.

By praying about all that we do, God gives us a peace in that which He guides us towards and blesses the work of our hands. We may feel that it is “me against the whole wide world”, when in fact it is the Creator of the universe that is your guide, the one that leads you and blesses you in all that you have done through your faith and prayer.

First steps can often be crippling. Thoughts like “where do I start?” can stop us from even beginning. You must remember, that when God is leading your way, He has the path planned already and will lead you. Yours is to step out in faith, His is to provide and bless the way.

Corinthians 3:4-5 Such confidence we have through Christ before God Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.

13 thoughts on “Confidence”

    1. 🙂 Thank you Suresh!
      I am feeling better than before but need surgery again in end of July.. so waiting for that before it will be completely better. I’ve just been feeling too worn out to write lately, but the urge is welling up within me again, and I felt so good writing this morning again 🙂

      Thank you so much for your care and concern,

      Bless you lots and lots,



  1. Hey there girl! I was just thinking about you this morning! I’ve been so busy with work and Alex that I have not been online much! I post from my phone then find myself in the evening barely able to answer comments let alone visit!
    I hope you are ok! I pray for you every day as I’m making my coffee! You and Belinda are permanently in my prayer list! Much love, hugs and blessings to you sweet Easter girl!


    1. Hello Dear MM,
      I’ve thought of you often (and JM and Belinda) also, keeping you in my prayers. Thank you so much for yours – it is improving for me slowly, but won’t be back to myself until after this stent is removed.
      I have so missed being here, but lacked energy so much that I’ve basically watched one documentary after another and been reading a lot as I heal.
      I hope that you and your daughter are both well and send you big hugs and warm thoughts.

      Bless you so big,



  2. Nei sogni è il segreto del nostro futuro.
    Grazie ad un sogno respiriamo la bellezza del “Creato“; grazie al sogno entriamo in confidenza con la morte.
    Ultimo giudice delle nostre esostenze.
    Poi arrivano giorni belli e giorni tristi.
    Giorni vissuti intensamente come quello che sto vivendo, adesso, proprio qui.

    Molto bello.
    Un abbraccio

    Ninni Raimondi
    giornalista in Bologna, Italia


    1. Grazie bene Ninni,
      (I cannot write back in Italian but understood most of what you wrote.)
      I thank you very much for taking the time to read and comment on my post. I hope to see you back.

      May God bless you abundantly,



I would be happy to hear from you :)