Looked Over

Looked Over

Lord, sometimes i feel that I am always looked over

Today, I’m going to:


To better understand your plan

That I will will not pity myself as You hold me in Your hand


How many times in life do you feel as you if you’ve bee looked over, that people see you just as another dandelion in a field of thousands?

Photo by Easter Ellen
Photo by Easter Ellen

Sometimes we feel hurt when someone else got picked for the job, as if someone else is always chosen because they have more charisma. We hurt when we are in a room of people and nobody notices.


It is sometimes difficult to see these things as anything other than they are; a looming hurt that just won’t go away as we continue to feel like the one not noticed.


Yet, where is our faith? How do we even begin to look at ourselves an our lives’ plan? Where is God in this and why does He not intervene?


Faith is a tricky thing at first and the more that we discipline ourselves to trusting Our loving Creator, the more that we can draw from the relationship that we are building with Him.


It is like this: when you meet a new friend, you automatically don’t trust this person with much, but as you get to know them more, you see the kindness in their heart, how much you enjoy their company and slowly allow them into your lives; hearts that become vulnerable, allowing the trust to grow.


So it is with God. When we newly begin a relationship with Him, trust is not our first instinct. In time we begin trusting Him, we don’t even know what faith is (except the definition in the dictionary).  That itself is the essence of faith, to jump from the unknown to set our hope on something unseen.


This trust and faith is pivotal in understanding the beauty of God’s love and who we are; who He created us to be. if the creator of all of Heaven and earth loves you with the unconditional and unending love that He has with you,



Matt 17:20          If you have faith so small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.

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